Release of FLUKA 4-3.2

Dear FLUKA users,

It is our pleasure to announce that a new minor release of the FLUKA code, FLUKA 4-3.2, has been issued and can be downloaded from the Official CERN FLUKA website:

See the release notes at the bottom of this message for a detailed account of all novelties. Many thanks to all users who reported the issues here addressed.

For consistency, please update to the latest version of Flair, available from:

Please note that low-energy neutron libraries, previously downloaded for enabling point-wise interactions, do not need to be downloaded again.

With our kindest regards,

The FLUKA developer team at CERN and Collaborating Institutes


=== Fluka-4.3.2 ===


- The hitherto missing decay products of 11Be have been added, thus addressing the issue raised in this forum thread
- The reaction cross section for proton on B has been extended below 1 MeV, thus addressing the 5th item in this forum thread

- C++ header files are now provided for the FLUKA commons.

- The maximum number of heavy secondaries emitted during nuclear evaporation has been increased to 120, in order to accommodate a large (yet physical) number of heavy secondaries observed during a rare nuclear interaction between heavy nuclei which led to a crash in previous versions of the code.

- The FLUKA manual features newly formatted tables and several typo and error corrections.


- The code is now aligned with DPMJET v19.3.5, fixing a rare crash due to a slightly mismatching value of the nuclear mass unit.

- A logic error which allowed elastic recoils (and in general recoils with A and Z equal to those of the target nucleus) to mistakenly contribute to RESNUCLEi scoring in the region where they originate has been rectified.

- A rare numerical precision error which led to a slight inaccuracy when determining the azimuthal-angle bin in cylindrical USRBIN for particles traveling along the x axis (and eventually to a crash, kindly reported by BNL colleagues) has been fixed.

- An underflow in the ionization fluctuation module, which manifested as a zeroing out of ionization losses for charged particles in very dilute gases, has been resolved.

- The energy deposition quenching issue for biased runs raised in this forum thread has been corrected, thus superseding the temporary solutions proposed therein.
