Installing FLUKA on CERN lxplus

These instructions provide some guidance for CERN affiliates who want to install FLUKA on lxplus machines.

Presently (April 2020), lxplus machines (CentOS 7.7) provide by default an older version of the gfortran compiler (4.8) which cannot be used with the FLUKA packages provided on this website. It is therefore necessary to enable a newer compiler version (gfortran 8.3 or 9.2), using for example scl which can provide a specific version of the GNU Compiler Collection via devtoolset. Using this command, gfortran 8.3 can be enabled (in a new bash shell) using:

scl enable devtoolset-9 bash

Alternatively, one can use dedicated scripts on lxplus to enable a certain compiler version. For example, to enable gfortran 9.2 execute the following command:

source /cvmfs/

Scripts are also available for other compiler versions and for tcsh/csh shells.

Once the compiler has been set up, download the FLUKA tgz package precompiled with gfortran 9.2 (which is compatible with gfortran 8.3 and 9.2) and follow the installation instructions under this link (tgz).