The use of the FLUKA code must be acknowledged explicitly by quoting the following set of references:
C. Ahdida, D. Bozzato, D. Calzolari, F. Cerutti, N. Charitonidis, A. Cimmino, A. Coronetti, G. L. D’Alessandro, A. Donadon Servelle, L. S. Esposito, R. Froeschl, R. García Alía, A. Gerbershagen, S. Gilardoni, D. Horváth, G. Hugo, A. Infantino, V. Kouskoura, A. Lechner, B. Lefebvre, G. Lerner, M. Magistris, A. Manousos, G. Moryc, F. Ogallar Ruiz, F. Pozzi, D. Prelipcean, S. Roesler, R. Rossi, M. Sabaté Gilarte, F. Salvat Pujol, P. Schoofs, V. Stránský, C. Theis, A. Tsinganis, R. Versaci, V. Vlachoudis, A. Waets, M. Widorski,
"New Capabilities of the FLUKA Multi-Purpose Code",
Frontiers in Physics 9, 788253 (2022).
G. Battistoni, T. Boehlen, F. Cerutti, P.W. Chin, L.S. Esposito, A. Fassò, A. Ferrari, A. Lechner, A. Empl, A. Mairani, A. Mereghetti, P. Garcia Ortega, J. Ranft, S. Roesler, P.R. Sala, V. Vlachoudis, G. Smirnov,
"Overview of the FLUKA code",
Annals of Nuclear Energy 82, 10-18 (2015).
Recent FLUKA developments can be cited with:
"Latest FLUKA developments",
EPJ Nuclear Sciences & Technologies 10 (2024).
Use of Flair must be acknowledged using the following references:
A. Donadon, G. Hugo, C. Theis, V. Vlachoudis,
"FLAIR3 – recasting simulation experiences with the Advanced Interface for FLUKA and other Monte Carlo codes",
EPJ Web Conf. Volume 302, 2024 (SNA + MC 2024).
Additional FLUKA references can be added, provided they are relevant for the problems under consideration, in particular, the use of some specific models should be individually acknowledged, e.g.:
For the use of DPMJET-3:
S. Roesler, R. Engel, J. Ranft,
"The Monte Carlo Event Generator DPMJET-III"
in Proceedings of the Monte Carlo 2000 Conference, Lisbon, October 23-26 2000,
(A. Kling, F. Barao, M. Nakagawa, L. Tavora, P. Vaz eds.),
Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1033-1038 (2001).
A. Fedynitch, PhD Thesis,
For the use of (the modified) rQMD-2.4:
H. Sorge, H. Stoecker, and W. Greiner,
Annals of Physics 192, 266 (1989)
V. Andersen. F. Ballarini, G. Battistoni, M. Campanella, M. Carboni, F. Cerutti, A. Empl, A. Fassò, A. Ferrari, E. Gadioli, M.V. Garzelli, K. Lee, A. Ottolenghi, M. Pelliccioni, L.S. Pinsky, J. Ranft, S. Roesler, P.R. Sala, and T.L. Wilson,
"The FLUKA code for space applications: recent developments",
Advances in Space Research 34(6), 1302-1310 (2004).
For medical applications of FLUKA:
G. Battistoni, J. Bauer, T.T. Boehlen, F. Cerutti, M.P.W. Chin, R. Dos Santos Augusto, A. Ferrari, P.G. Ortega, W. Kozlowska, G. Magro, A. Mairani, K. Parodi, P.R. Sala, P. Schoofs, T. Tessonnier, V. Vlachoudis,
"The FLUKA code: An accurate simulation tool for particle therapy",
Frontiers in Oncology, Radiation Oncology Section, 00116, (2016).
For the use of the neutrino event generator (NUNDIS):
G. Battistoni, A. Ferrari, M. Lantz, P. R. Sala and G. I. Smirnov,
"A neutrino-nucleon interaction generator for the FLUKA Monte Carlo code",
in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, Italy, 15-19 June 2009,
CERN-Proceedings-2010-001 pp.387-394.
For the use of the anisotropic effects in crystals:
P. Schoofs,
"Monte Carlo Modeling of Crystal Channeling at High Energies",
PhD thesis, CERN-THESIS-2014-131.
P. Schoofs, F. Cerutti, A. Ferrari, G. Smirnov,
"Monte Carlo modeling of crystal channeling at high energies",
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., B 309, 115-119 (2013).
This set of references is subject to change in time. New ones will be communicated, when necessary, in the REFERENCES file of new FLUKA versions.