Installation how-to

Which packages are available?

The FLUKA Monte Carlo code is written in the FORTRAN programming language. A recent gcc/gfortran compiler version (>= 7) is needed for installing and running the code. The code is distributed in the form of:

  1. a set of precompiled libraries for x86_64 (64 bit) platforms with GNU/Linux or macOS (x86 or ARM) operating systems (available to all registered users),
  2. the source code (available to affiliates of institutes/universities holding an institutional FLUKA licence, and to CERN Staff and Fellows, see licences.).

In the latter case, FLUKA can be built from source and it is not necessary to download the libraries. All packages contain also the FLUKA user routines, include files, post-processing programs etc. (see FLUKA package file structure for details). Note that the file structure has been changed as of release 2011-3.0 (Dec 2019).

Installing precompiled libraries on GNU/Linux and macOS

The precompiled libraries are distributed in the following package formats:

Builds with different gfortran versions are distributed in the download area. The following table illustrates which build version shall be used depending on the gfortran compiler installed on your system:

OS Build version available in the download area: Works with following compiler version on your machine:
GNU/Linux gfortran 7.5 gfortran 7.x
GNU/Linux gfortran 8.5 gfortran 8.x
GNU/Linux gfortran 9.5 gfortran 9.x, 10.x, 11.y (y>1), 12.x, 13.x, 14.x
macOS - Intel processor gfortran 10.4 gfortran 10.x, 11.y (y>1), 12.x, 13.x, 14.x
macOS - ARM processor gfortran 13.3 gfortran 13.x, 14.x

For installing FLUKA on CERN lxplus machines see also following installation instructions.

The code has been checked and validated only for these platforms/compilers. FLUKA builds with the g77 compiler, which have been available for previous FLUKA versions, are no longer distributed.

Building FLUKA from source on GNU/Linux and macOS

The source code is distributed in the following package formats:

Users are strongly encouraged to build FLUKA only on architectures and with compilers recommended by the development team:

  • GNU/Linux: gcc/gfortran 7.x, 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.y (y>1), 12.x, 13.x, 14.x
  • macOS: gcc/gfortran 10.x, 11.y (y>1), 12.x, 13.x, 14.x

Only results obtained with code versions on these platforms and compilers shall be used for critical applications.

Running FLUKA on Windows systems

On Windows 10, the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) can be used for running FLUKA (and Flair). WSL allows developers to run a GNU/Linux environment under Windows without the overhead of a virtual machine (see link). Detailed instructions for using FLUKA and Flair under WSL can be found here.

FLUKA libraries for low-energy neutron pointwise interaction cross sections

A new point-wise treatment has been included for the interactions of low-energy neutrons (below 20 MeV), controlled by the new LOW-PWXS card. The download of at least one additional package is required, as detailed here.