A new discussion forum for FLUKA and Flair users has been set up under cern.ch/fluka-forum. This redesigned forum modernizes the appearance of the FLUKA discussion list and facilitates the communication between beginners and experts.
Different categories were introduced to better distinguish between different topics, from the first installation of the code to advanced topics like user routines.
To post questions in the discussion forum, users must register via the "Sign up" button. Subscriptions to the old FLUKA discussion list were not automatically transferred to the new forum. The registration requires a recognized email account such as an institutional email address, or other accounts like Google, Facebook, Windows Live, or Yahoo. Alternatively, if your email provider is not in the list of recognized providers, you can create a CERN Lightweight Account using any valid email address, under the following link.
Please note that every registration requires approval by the forum moderators. Please account for a delay of one working day.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the new FLUKA User Forum.