Release of FLUKA 4-0.1

Dear FLUKA users,

A new minor release of the FLUKA code, FLUKA 4-0.1, has been issued and can be downloaded from here.

Please find at the bottom of this message the list of included changes.

With our best regards,
The FLUKA developer team at CERN and collaborating institutes

List of changes:

  • Prevented USRBIN apportioned scoring of NET-CHRG, RES-NUCL, and annihilation at rest of positrons (all are point-like quantities).
  • Now stopping (instead of looping forever) for empty input file.
  • Fixed optical photon crash.
  •  Fixed rare crash in rQMD leading to an index out of bounds error.
  • Fixed rare crash in rQMD leading to zero center-of-mass momentum.
  • Fixed index-out-of-bounds in usysuw.f and raised the maximum number of first-quantity bins to 5000.
  • Fixed bug in USRBIN scoring which resulted in zero by-region scoring.
  • Fixed bug in SPOTTRAN: handling of transformation #2.
  • In the crystal tracking module, corrected a missing factor Z (projectile charge) when the electrostatic potential is calculated in the volume zone for ions.
  • When computing the electrostatic potential for a charged particle in a crystal volume zone, the contributions from the charge distribution of the four nearest crystal planes are now considered (instead of just the two nearest planes)
  • Lifted an excessively cautious abort in case nuclear cross-section was not initialized for new particle species resulting from ion fragmentation in the crystal channeling module.
  • Lifted condition which inhibited the dechanneling in case of volume captured particles in the crystal channeling module.

